Very real, but not very reliably communicated.

“I don’t know what galaxy you are from, but you are just not of this world.”
– Stoned man at bar.

“You are amazing. Everyone should know it.”
 – Scooter Glenn Debowski Holiday

“I am in LoVe!”
– Woman that listened to Savage album during a hurricane.

– Man who took Lord’s name in vain to compliment music album

“What is that? How is that not the fucking most beautiful voice
you’ve ever heard? Is that real? Is that real?”

– Guy complimenting loudly while performance was being recorded
– Annoyed Camera Operator

“Its genius!”
(Referring to Audi and the Piano Monster’s mash-up cover of
Melanie Safka’s Brand New Key and Queen’s Bicycle Race.)
– Fella that yelled approvingly in the middle of set at Dozen Street, Austin, Texas

“You are amazing! Why haven’t I heard of you?!”
– Young woman with a nice smile and an oversized “Fuck ShiT” hat.

I don’t usually pay attention to instruments, because I don’t play one,
but Audi makes me want to play piano.”

– Local Rap Music Artist in Austin, Texas.

“Audi and the Piano Monsters is the Shit. Shizzit? Shiznit? Sheeyit.
Yea, that’s it. Audi and the Piano Monsters is the Sheeyit.”

– Man that solidly pulls off a double french braid. 

“I really enjoyed the show. Her music sounds like it belongs in a movie soundtrack.”
– A misfit from Emma G and the Band of Misfits.

“I hear so many powerful songstresses in Audi’s music. It’s just wow.”
– Music and Poetry Video Blogger

“This woman, she makes me feel alive.”
– Bella from Happy Day House Cleaning

“This EP is phenomenal.”
Reiki healer in the land down under.

“Audi’s music is real and unique. People will not confuse her with anyone else.”
– Alan Kubala, local Austin musician at Sassy’s Sunday Singer-Songwriter Showcase.

“Audi! I LOVE YOU!”
– Stranger that hollered across parking lot after performance

“Amazing.” “Amazing voice.” “This is so amazing.” “Fucking Amazing.”
People that used the same word to communicate positive feedback.

“Color me blown away!”
– Tattoo artist in Colorado

To anyone inclined to be offended by how I’ve described them: think of this as my way of thanking you for your kind words. Silly is a format I am comfortable working in.